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Quote tpubtofe94 Replybullet Posted: Apr 12 2013 at 11:37am
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Quote cqugshttre Replybullet Posted: Apr 13 2013 at 12:35am
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Quote svkd9rvag Replybullet Posted: Apr 13 2013 at 11:02am
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Quote vp3chi5zv Replybullet Posted: Apr 14 2013 at 5:16am
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Quote nikeairmax99 Replybullet Posted: Apr 19 2013 at 9:49am
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Quote nigv646vgw Replybullet Posted: Apr 19 2013 at 1:47pm
Already after the first round of the presidential election earlier this month, from which Zeman and Schwarzenberg emerged victorious,Hogan, it was clear that the new president, whoever of the two he may be, will probably navigate the Czech Republic in a pro-European direction, Slechta continues.
When we disembarked, I mustered my courage and approached the parents who were smiling nicely,, if a little bit wide-eyed. "We've been following you," I started, in English, hoping that they'd understand and wouldn't think I was totally nuts. "Oliver enjoyed playing with your son at the hotel, and he'd like to say hi,tory burch outlet." The father said, "Hello." While the boys grinned at each other happily, we exchanged greetings and the children's names and ages. Although I hated to be so presumptuous, with Oliver insistently poking me in the side, I asked if we could ski with them for a few runs. They agreed. As we skied, I learned they were from northern Holland and were also here for their children's spring break.
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Quote qq983180901 Replybullet Posted: Apr 24 2013 at 1:08am
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It was an extraordinary opinion in that the Obama policy was not even before the court. And it takes the wind out of the Supreme Court members' irritation at being dressed down by President Obama at a State of the Union speech for the high court's ruling on unregulated campaign spending. The high court showed its power there, too, this week, ruling to toss out a Montana law banning political spending by businesses.
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