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Quote ptb84d4zwk Replybullet Posted: May 13 2013 at 1:06am
st Les Rencontres professionnelles Le Monde La Société des lecteurs du Monde Le Prix Le Monde de la rechercheLe MondeTélérama Le Monde diplomatique Le Huffington Post Courrier international La Vie au Jardin S'abonner au Monde àpartir de 1 € Services Le Monde Des pluies torrentielles en Chine font au moins 30 mortsLe Monde| 19.09.2011 14h00 Mis à jour le19,Burberry Homme.09.2011 14h16 Les pluies torrentielles qui affectent les provinces chinoises du Shaanxi (Nord), du Sichuan (Sud-Ouest) et du Henan (Centre) ont fait au moins 30 morts et des centaines de milliers d'évacués.Le niveau des cours d'eau continuait de monter lundi dans le Sichuan alors que les pluies n'en finissaient pas de tomber. Dans cette province, les autorités ont donné l'ordre d'évacuer plus de 600 000 habitants des municipalités de Dazhou et Guang'an tandis que le niveau de certains affluents du Yangtsé gonflait dangereusement, a détaillé l'agence officielle Chine nouvelle.2 000 MAISONS EFFONDRÉESLe niveau de la rivière Jialing a déjà dépassé de sept mètres la cote d'alerte et devrait atteindre un record depuis qu'il a commencé à être enregistré en 1847, toujours selon Chine nouvelle, qui a fait état de 13 morts et 10 disparus depuis vendredi au Sichuan. Plus de 2 000 maisons se sont effondrées au Sichuan et quelque 10 000 ont été endommagées.Dans la province voisine du Shaanxi, au moins 17 personnes ont été tuées et 15 étaient toujours portées disparues lundi à la suite d'un glissement de terrain qui a englouti des ateliers d'une briqueterie et d'une usine de céramiques dans la banlieue de la capitale provinciale, Xi'an, a rapporté séparément Chine nouvelle.Enfin,polo burberry, plus de 15 000 personnes ont été évacuées depuis le 10 septembre dans le Henan, où les inondations ont affecté 14 municipalités et provoqué la mort de six personnes depuis cette date. La Chine est le théâtre chaque année de précipitations torrentielles en été,polo lacoste homme. En 2010, elles avaient causé la mort ou la disparition de plus de 4 300 personnes.Le monde abonnementsProfitez du journal où et quand vous voulez. Abonnements papier, offres 100 % numériques sur Web et tablette.S'abonner au Monde partir de 1 Les rubriques du Monde.frInternational Politique Société Économie Culture Sport Techno Style Vous Idées Planète Éducation Disparitions Santé Les services du MondeLa boutique du Monde Le Monde dans les hôtels Formation anglais Annonces auto Annonces immo Tirages photo Rencontres Shopping Comparateur crédit Devis travaux Conjugaison Programme télé Jeux Météo Trafic Prix de l'immobilier Sur le web Th tres Paris S ries TV Programme TV Restaurant Marseille Id es cadeauxLes sites du GroupeTélé Le Huffington Post Les Rencontres professionnelles Le Monde La Société des lecteurs du Monde Le Prix Le Monde de la rechercheLe MondeTélérama Le Monde diplomatique Le Huffington Post Courrier international La Vie au Jardin S'abonner au Monde àpartir de 1 € Services Le Monde Washington accentue sa pression pour que le Pakistan combatte le r seau HaqqaniLe Monde| 19.09.2011 08h41 Mis à jour le20.09.2011 16h32 Les sourires entre la secrétaire d'Etat américaine, Hillary Clinton, et son homologue pakistanaise, Hina Rabbani Khar, n'auront duré que le temps d'une photo. Hillary Clinton a fermement réclamé au gouvernement pakistanais, dimanche 18 septembre, d'agir contre le réseau islamiste Haqqani, soupçonné d'avoir commis les attentats du 13 septembre à Kaboul, selon des responsables américains. Selon la porte-parole du département d'Etat, Victoria Nuland, l'entretien à New York entre Mmes Clinton et Rabbani Khar "a été très substantiel et très franc", euphémisme diplomatique pour évoquer une discussion tendue.La rencontre est intervenue au lendemain d'une interview de l'ambassadeur des Etats-Unis au Pakistan, Cameron Munter, dans laquelle ce dernier a affirmé que Washington a des "preuves" des liens entre "le gouvernement pa
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Quote dfh7c4dfg Replybullet Posted: May 13 2013 at 7:32am
mburger, c est normal qu il y ait toujours quelques restes qui trainent derrière un pied de table.Attention tout de même. Ca devient choquant si les souris ne se contentent pas des déchets mais parviennent aux stocks alimentaires. Elles sont généralement capables de trouer n importe quel sac (toile de jute, plastique, ça ne leur résiste pas longtemps) et les trous sont discrets. Tout doit être stocké dans un bon placard, surélevé, où l on contrôle qu aucun trou n y mène.Il n y a aucune contre-indication à utiliser de la mort au rat si les conditions d hygiène sont par ailleurs respectées, mais si elles sont respectées, éliminer quelques souris n a aucune autre utilité qu éviter une mauvaise publicité fasse à des citadins effarouchés. Comme on ne peut attendre de ces derniers ni de savoir de quoi ils parlent, ni d être à même d écouter ceux qui savent, les professionnels utilisent effectivement la mort au rat dans les cuisines (et ça n est ni plus, ni moins dangereux que les souris, du moment qu on connait son métier).Pour conclure, j ajoute que je ne défends pas spécialement Quick (c est pas bon, je préfère MacDo, enfin je préfère surtout BurgerKing mais y a plus en France). Mais j ai horreur de voir des ignorants rigoler crassement de choses normales. C est un peu comme si vous filmiez le contenu d une fosse sceptique, en vous étonnant soudain que des humains produisent autant de merde : ben oui, c est le cas, et ça fait des milliers d années que ça dure, grandissez un peu. Très bon post,polo lacoste femme, bien construit, notamment sur le fait qu il est normal d avoir des souris a la campagne. Sauf que j y vis depuis 30 ans, j ai donc deja vu des dizaines de souris,polo lacoste homme, mulots, campagnols, quelques rats aussi, bien sur.Mais jamais dans ma cuisine toutefois.Et si ca arrivait, je ne trouverais pas cela normal .Ahh, mais c est peut-etre parce que je ne prépare pas à manger pour un grand nombre de convives   ce qui est dur, c est que c est le gestionnaire du Quick local qui va payer pour tout ca, en etant vire. c est dommage. Je connais ce restaurant, Il est franchement répugnant. Le gestionnaire doit être très sérieusement responsabilisé. Non seulement ce restaurant est sale, mais en plus le sous-effectif permanent le prive de son appellation de fast -food. La queue est systématique, et pendant ce temps les burgers refroidissent (et manger un burger froid il n y a rien de pire) Bref il faut le refaire en entier ce resto IL ne peut pas être viré, Quick ce sont des franchises, le patrons est propriétaire. Et je comprend que ça choque, mais oui, à Paris il y a des rats partout, même dans les grands restaurant. IL suffit que la nourriture soit à l abri. A Paris il y aurait plus de rongeurs que d humains ça buzz parce que c est Quick,lacoste pas cher. Faux, certains quick sont franchisés, pas tous. 1 des 4 restaurants Quick de ma ville ne l est pas. Les 3 autres appartiennent au même patron. Le propriétaire peut d ailleurs décider de gérer son affaire uniquement économiquement, puisqu un directeur y
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Quote egbvydwxvh Replybullet Posted: May 14 2013 at 5:29am
16 Button Black Cotton is besides a complete supreme for those awaiting for an splendid glove varietyAlso,, I need to keep in that specific area a radio that can transmit as well as receive, some emergency water and 3 days of food, a flashlight and a small medical kitArachnid Image GalleryIf you've been unlucky enough to experience chigger bites, you've probably heard a long list of home remedies for themBasketball is the most famous sport on the globecan i substitute multipurpose sports gloves for off road motorcycle gloves when riding Ok, so I'm still disappointed - my cycling buddies are out there now,, in the sunshine, no wind,, on one of the most beautiful stretches of road in the world and no doubt having a ballCaused by human parvovirus B19, this illness usually doesn't cause terrible discomfort, but it isn't exactly a picnic,, eitherClass 1 safety vests are designed primarily for controlled situations and other low-risk environmentsDo the same to the second rod, but this time go to 200ft and let it out on the jug/balloon about 30 yardsEven if you keep your pet out of your sleeping area, it can become contaminated via air ducts in the houseGet the bags out of house from the close way or doorHepatitis C infections result from the hepatitis C virus, which is also commonly known by the initials HCVI chose it for storage, but it really is flexible with the removable liner and three zippable ventsIf required, you can also use some powder like cornstarch to make putting on the gloves as easy as possibleIf you garden is small, consider planting dwarf fruit treesIn order to give protection, boxers can put on a groin protector because it is stuffed heavily and can be worn under the trunksIt is the nature of silver to react to chemical and there isn't really much to do about silver tarnishingIt's also better to have two to three Wholesale Jewelery suppliers since, as Italian charms sell so quicklyKnee and elbow pads will help shield you against scrapes and falls, and gloves will keep your hands warm and protect against blisters when you grip the handlebarsMental stress and depression affect women's hearts more than men'sMoreover, they were not designed to catch the ballNow, at 25 with a husband and kids 2 and 4, a mortgage and car notes, and all the other issues of life, what can we give this most special lady the she will truly love? How about a,bsalesokus;Or maybe their swine flu is mild enough to come into work coughingReversible Spencer commonly enhance the style of anyone as soon as it is cuffs usually are already folded, utilising the supporting colourings testedSo, Top Tip - My recommendation is to take some time to use a wax polish on your alloysSonny Perdue,, the current Governor,jdsalesokus, unseated Barnes after being outspent at least 6 to 1 and trailing in pretty much every poll and survey leading up to the electionThe correct power hand tool will do the work far better and less hazardous at the rate for the purpose it was createdThe kinds of materials used should not induce slipping that could cause accidents especially when handling firearmsThe new glove was an unknown to Jack, so his performance with the new glove at this point was uncertain in his mindThere is also a benefit to your client, for they will feel comfortable knowing that the tattoo needle that is about to pierce their skin has never been used on another person, thus, setting their mind at ease about catching a diseaseThese files are created and made available individually by users whose identity we are not aware of and who we have no control over
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Quote fjugshtjay Replybullet Posted: May 15 2013 at 3:31am
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Quote g12h5j3z5 Replybullet Posted: May 17 2013 at 6:48am
's Hospital of Changsha Ms. Zhao recently been sad because the son Wang for tattoo things in her disgruntled. Wang (a pseudonym) told reporters that the high school when he began to focus on tattoos, and love of this art, each Internet always to search for a different pattern, and deeply indulge in those beautiful tattoo designs. But his mother is determined not to agree with Wang went to a tattoo, and he was very disgusted. Wang previously accompanied her shopping, has repeatedly passed a tattoo shop, store all full of curiosity, but never been inside. Because he knows now reading,oakley pas cher, schools the disciplinary regulations do not allow students tattoos, and his family certainly would not agree. Therefore, Wang has not been to their favorite the tattoo things with his family said. But after the college entrance examination this year, Wang tattoo idea suddenly strong up to him to go with her mother to discuss tattoo, but she does not agree. The stubborn Wang does not give up attempts to convince the mother. June 19, Wang once again to his mother, he was determined to go to the tattoo, I hope the mother can agree. The results in exchange for mother a meal severely reprimanded. The Wang Shuaimen to leave this house. Candidates repeatedly denied regret complex and distressed graduates Mary (a pseudonym), graduated from Sichuan University, College of Business Administration, has submitted to several units after candidate material in contact with the employer, are encountered surprised eyes. Mary conditions are very good, learning and the ability to work in schools are considered more prominent, but why just for jobs allows the employer again and again "SayNo" Original precisely because on her arm and a "snake". Two years ago,toms shoes, Mary the way to a shopping no intention of entering into a tattoo shop, her tattoo before contact was exceptionally low, because in her view, the tattoo symbolizes rebellion, or even fallen, but precisely because of that occasion The centerless move changed her mind. In the same shop, tattoo teacher to introduce her to the source of the tattoo, tattoo,oakley lunettes, and so on, but also told her that now tattoo has become a kind of fashion, represents the personality of the publicity, but no longer people among the original concept that "dark" things. Perhaps the introduction of the tattoo teacher Mary slowly to tattoo a new understanding of,ray ban, especially when she saw a wild or mysterious tattoo pattern,ray ban, she knows she has fallen in love with the people "they love pains and stuff. Mary, after all, also worried that family may not accept, nor to worry about around her friends would have a bad idea. After a period of reflection,abercrombie paris, she chose a tattoo,hollister, because she felt that the tattoo is a person's behavior, and the text in their own body, as long as they like not what right to block others. I did not expect, the thought that the tattoo is a personal matter gave own job search has brought so much trouble. Because the tattoo on his arm, you can not cover up with clothing, either before Mary performance how good, but each time to interview for this session, she will brush down. Now she was particularly troubled one hand, she had regretted the other hand, she was unwilling Is it simply a tattoo on determining a person's good or bad Tattoo store popular and more student-centered the Changsha, tattoo shop located in the downtown crowd intensive. On June 22, the reporter walked into a tattoo shop Huang Xing Road Pedestrian Street, people overwhelmed by a variety of tattoo designs for the shop wall. Shopkeeper Zhang admitted that the tattoo shop's main customers are young people,mulberry outlet, especially students. "Boys and girls have recently come to the store number of women significantly more than men. Pattern selection, boys like girls more emphasis on the delicate patterns atmospheric patterns,oakley, with a sense of power." Reporter has learned that the price of the tattoo a lot of money, three hundred yuan from ordinary black and white tattoo, color of $ 400 from the final pricing according to the pattern complexity and location of the operation ease of tattoo to decide. Some tattoo even takes on the yuan. (According to the experts of the Xiaoxiang Morning "): Mo is" beautiful "pay the price" students tattoo to be careful, because the tattoo will affect their health. "Third Xiangya Hospital Dermatology Professor Peng Yaoqing said. Professor Peng believes that the tattoo is a trauma, and the first to break the epidermis of the skin, even when they hit the dermal layer, deposited pigment in the wound,mulberry, the skin long after there is a permanent pattern. If in informal tattoo shop tattoo less than the sterile requirements,hollister uk, is likely to cause infection. Or because the technology is not enough, some tattoo teacher text too deep, may cause skin scarring, the poor quality of the pigments may cause allergic reactions. Clinical, has been due to the tattoo of materials and equipment not strict disinfection and got hepatitis,hollister, AIDS and other infectious diseases. So abnormal physical scars, allergic constitution, skin diseases, hepatitis, diabetes, cardiovascular disease and mental or emotional should not tattoo. Tattoo possible complications of local infection, color bleeding, allergic reactions and scarring. If pigments containing heavy metal ions into the epidermis after being absorbed by the body, there will be memory loss,abercrombie, hair loss and chronic poisoning. And wash tattoo time is about six months to a year, ordinary monochrome tattoo needed to treat 3-5 times every second treatment interval of at least 2-3 months, more color tattoo number of treatments. "Young people, especially students, the body is in the developmental stages, and decided to tattoo before, we must be cautious." Professor Peng stressed. Students tattoo is not desirable,toms outlet, because the tattoo may be a negative impact on employment in the future, love. "Hunan University of Science said Professor Yang Jinzhuan,. Professor Yang believes that although tattoo this behavior is very popular abroad, people have to look at a very common vision, but domestic things similar to the usual three meals a day has not yet reached the degree, so Among the later in life and work will be affected.
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Quote cckasftyr Replybullet Posted: May 18 2013 at 12:15pm
I’ve been intrigued by the idea of design evolution,1 Phillip Lim for Target collection will launch in Canada on September 15 (our first full fledged Target designer collab! simple was not the name of the game for Selena Gomez who wore an embellished Julien Macdonald mini dress with a bouffant that transitioned into a side-braid.Op art inspiration
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Quote g12h5j3z5 Replybullet Posted: May 20 2013 at 4:43am
'clock. Look at the left daughter testament contents from Chen, embark on the road to ruin because due to family conflicts, and vent their anger on two innocent children. Been strangled schoolchildren siblings home Wuhua An streams Town ceremony village murder occurred in the afternoon of September 16,hollister, 2011, more than were killed in a pair of siblings at home,hogan outlet, boys Hu × peak this year,ray ban, 11-year-old girl Hu × Na The 12-year-old, fifth grade elementary school reading ceremony in the East. Killed before the siblings who had just come home from school. The grandmother of the deceased to the police narrative 17:30 the same day, she came home and found the door of the third floor is locked, opened it,ray ban, found granddaughter hanging in the windows; She went to the second floor to find the grandson, saw the door seems locked open,mulberry, to see grandson is the same hanging in the windows. The elderly grandmother ran to the door to the villagers for help, and notify other relatives. According to the deceased's father said, was the eldest son locked the door Internet access in the room, and was able to survive. Found Hill to round up the victims uncle After investigation, the public security organs in the night of the murder confirm Wuhua County town splendor village of cotton Yang Chen (uncle of the deceased) have a major crime suspects. In the morning of the 19th,toms shoes, the public security organs to grasp the clues: Chen suspects could be hiding in the mountains in its hometown cotton the ocean town Ronghua Village. 12:00 pm, city and county public security organs mountains organized a total of more than 200 police raids. The day,ray ban, armed police Meizhou City Detachment 15 SCS members also rushed to the scene to assist in the manhunt. 18:25 hunt group found a figure in a dense bush,ray ban, the other got up and ran, and he is the suspect Chen. Chen took out a dagger resisted,abercrombie, the soldiers rushed forward with a stride, and brought down to the ground. The raids police found Chen,air jordan pas cher, who exudes an intense smell pesticide,toms outlet, suspect has prior dose of pesticides, so emergency rushed to hospital. Murderer to stay testament to the daughter, police discovered a small piece of paper then hiding place in Chen,hollister uk, crooked above the words: "If I died, × × slate factory wages to get your dad to do later in life ... my daughter right hand birthmark, request the boss not to embarrass her ... "From this a note in the content view, Chen left the 16-year-old daughter in the room. In his testament,louboutin, Chen also reminded her "rent handed by the end of December,toms outlet, electricity tariffs in mind to pay 100 yuan.
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Quote weepfoada Replybullet Posted: May 21 2013 at 11:37pm
How can Meditation help with Stress,hollister france?
Meditation empowers you to take the responsibility of your thoughts and feelings. A lot of times you just feel stressed or depressed even if you do not want to,hollister, this is because you do not have control over your mental state.
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Stress has a lot to do with the state of your mind and the control you have over your emotions. There are a number of factors that can get us worked up but no matter what the cause of your stress is,hollister, one sure way to combat stress is through meditation.
What is Meditation?
Meditation is a process that helps to align the thoughts in your brain and prevents it from wandering. Our brain is extremely strong and with its sheer power,oakley sunglasses, human beings can overcome a lot of medical and psychological problems.
Another theory that supports the notion that meditation helps to reduce stress is based on the fact that meditating can led to cortical thickening of the prefrontal cortex. Prefrontal cortex is in charge of inhibiting the negative emotions generated by the brain’s emotional centre and the thicker the cortices, lesser would be the depressing thoughts.
Meditation helps to eliminate the unnecessary thoughts,nfl jerseys, which are like weeds in a garden. When you prune your thoughts and concentrate on only the things that matter, you create a state of mindfulness. You are much aware of your conscience,lunettes ray ban, thoughts and feelings.
By Mulyadi Kurnia
See all Articles by Mulyadi KurniaSee Mulyadi Kurnia',wholesale nfl jerseys;s Expert PageGet Updates on Stress ManagementGet Updates on Mulyadi Kurnia Average: 0 Your rating: None Tweet
Is Meditation better than Therapy?
Meditation is good for your overall well-being and is more of a preventive rather than curative measure. Although, therapy and anti-depressant medications are effective and almost instantaneous,louboutin, meditating is a completely natural procedure and sans any harmful side effects or dependency on material stress reducing equipments.
Once you are aware and can better understand your internal activities,louboutin pas cher, your mind is no more in a confused state. Being in control over your inner self helps you to actively control your actions and this is why people who meditate are at a better position to tackle negative outcomes and feelings.
How to Meditate
There are different techniques and phases of meditation. The simplest way is to sit upright on a flat surface in an Indian style and keep your palms facing up on your knees. Now touch the nail of your index finger with the pad of your thumb and try to loosen your body and relax. You can either concentrate on a specific thought or chant a mantra. ‘OM’ is the most common mantra and chanting OM creates a vibration within the body,louboutin, which helps to align the seven chakras or wheels within the body to help ward off negative energy.
Over a period of time,, our attention gets diverted in many directions and our concentration span reduces leading to a lack of control over our thoughts and hence our actions. Meditation helps to improve our level of concentration by gently enabling the mind to focus on just one object, emotion or thought or sometime to certain music or recitation.
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Quote ldqvday9a2 Replybullet Posted: May 23 2013 at 6:35pm
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Quote jhh6dhi7l Replybullet Posted: May 24 2013 at 6:11am
d avec Mr Sardine ! Murakami, c est très agréable à lire, c est souvent très prenant, mais bon, on parle du Prix Nobel,chemise burberry, là ! J aimerais quand même qu on le donne à un auteur qui a un peu plus de profondeur, et qui soit un peu moins main stream . Kawabata, Oe, pour ne parler que des Japonais, c était quand même autre chose ! Complètement d accord! Personne ne découvrirait Murakami si on lui filait un prix Nobel, vu que tout le monde le connait déjà. C est plus marrant quand ils nous sortent un poète scandinave complètement inconnu! Ceci dit, à choisir je préfère encore lui à Bob Dylan il m arrive de penser a murakami en faisant du jogging le matin,mais je ne me suis pas encore decidé de lire un de ces livres.les ecrivains apprtiennent a la littérature pas a leurs nations. Pour Murakami, je ne sais pas, mais je peux vous dire que dans la plupart des cas Gao Xingjian et Mo Yan souffrent également tous les deux dans leur traduction française.A Ali : les ecrivains apprtiennent a la littérature pas a leurs nations. C est d ailleurs exactement ce que Gao Xingjian lui-même disait dans son discours d acceptation du Nobel en 2000. Maintenant,burberry pas chers, je pense que cela dépend des auteurs et que certains peuvent parfaitement s identifier à une nation sans pour autant que la qualité de leur œuvre en souffre toujours (WB Yeats pour l Irlande par exemple). Plus l arbre a ses racines profondément enfouies, plus il peut s élancer vers le ciel ! (Putain, c est moi qui ai écrit ça ? Faut que j fasse de la littératoche) 1Q84 est un beau libre, avec une bonne histoire et une écriture fluide (même si la traduction ne la met pas beaucoup en valeur).Maintenant, de là à avoir un prix Nobel D autres écrivains Japonais le méritent beaucoup plus! Mr ne pas comprendre murakami a ecrit autiportarait de l auteur en coureur de fond vous comprenez mnt? Comment peut-on parler de ces deux nominés alors que la liste est sensée être tenue secrète ?À part éventuellement raviver les tensions actuelles Chine/Japon, ai du mal à voir l intérêt d une telle spéculation.(À moins que ces deux nominations soient de sources fiables, auquel cas elles m intéressent, et je m excuse platement).Le MondeTélérama Le Monde diplomatique Le Huffington Post Courrier international La Vie au Jardin S'abonner au Monde àpartir de 1 € Services Le Monde Les Espagnols m contents d' tre cit s comme l'exemple ne pas suivre par Mitt RomneyLe Monde| 08.10.2012 00h17 Mis à jour le08.10.2012 09h54 Lors du débat, les quelque 70 millions d'Américains qui ont écouté Mitt Romney ont découvert l'exemple économique à ne pas suivre, selon le candidat républicain : celui de l'Espagne. "Je ne veux pas suivre le chemin de l'Espagne", a-t-il lancé, estimant que c'était les dépenses du gouvernement espagnol qui étaient à l'origine des maux économiques du pays.Or,polo burberry pas cher, comme l'ont noté plusieurs médias, ce n'est pas tant les dépenses gouvernementales qui sont la cause de la crise économique en Espagne,sac burberry, mais l'explosion de la bulle immobilière. Ce que le candidat républicain a omis de noter. Et si ses propos séduiront peut-être l'électeur américain légèrement allergique à l'Europe, ils n'ont du tout été bien reçus par le gouvernement espagnol."C'est de l'ignorance face à la réalité, mais surtout face au potentiel de l'économie espagnole", a dit la vice-première-ministre Soraya Saenz de Santamaria. "Il est extrêmement regrettable que d'autres pays soient érigés en exemple alors que les faits sont biaisés", a ajouté le ministre des affaires étrangères, Jose Manuel Garcia Margallo. Mitt Romney doit prononcer, lundi, un discours très attendu sur la politique étrangère.Le monde abonnementsProfitez du journal où et quand vous voulez. Abonnements papier, offres 100 % numériques sur Web et tablette.S'abonner au Monde partir de 1 Les rubriques du Monde.frInternational Politique Société Économie Culture Sport Techno Style Vous Idées Planète Éducation Disparitions Santé Les services du MondeLa boutique du Monde Le Mon
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