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Quote outlety90w Replybullet Topic: Preening for the party
    Posted: Jan 18 2013 at 5:53am
Preening for you to the dress up persons

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Quote dazhutoubw82 Replybullet Posted: Feb 28 2013 at 2:32am
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Quote niau716vnf Replybullet Posted: Mar 08 2013 at 8:09pm
OKLAHOMA CITY - A bill to reform Oklahoma's controversial A-F school grading system advanced from the House Common Education Committee on Tuesday, although the exact nature of the reform remains unclear.
As currently written,Gucci Outlet Online, House Bill 1658 would reduce the impact of the lowest 25 percent of test scores on a school's A-F grade. The bill's author, Rep. Lee Denney, R-Cushing,, said, "I feel like we're counting those scores three times as it is now."
But Denney said she expects the bill to change significantly during the legislative session.
Because the state Department of Education wants to revise the formula and the Cooperative Council for Oklahoma School Administration is also seeking input, "I don't think the final language will wind up in this form," Denney said.
The council commissioned a study,Gucci Outlet, released last month, that is critical of the A-F formula. The A-F concept is similar to one used in Florida but uses a different means of assigning grades to individual schools.
"Florida didn't get its A-F system the way it wanted for 10 years," Denney said,Gucci Bags.
The committee voted 16-1 to recommend Denney's bill to the full House, with only Rep, Jason Nelson, R-Oklahoma City, voting no.
Also advancing from the committee was an amended version of HB 1313, which would give teachers more latitude in determining grades and school discipline, including corporal punishment.
As originally filed by Rep. John Enns, R-Enid, the bill states: "The State Board of Education, a district board of education,burberry Outlet,the old belfry of a Presbyterian Church., district superintendent or administrator, or public school principal or administrator shall not prohibit any teacher in a school district in this state from helping students learn and understand the skills, habits, behaviors and qualities of character as set forth in subsection A of this section through any means deemed appropriate, including adoption of classroom behavior requirements and enforcement of grading and assignment policies."
An amendment by Rep. Doug Cox, R-Grove, expanded the classroom teachers' authority to include corporal punishment regardless of district policies, the only restriction being that such punishment could not be administered without a witness.
Enns said the bill originated with concern about the spread of "no zeroes" policies that required teachers to give students grades even if the assigned work was not completed. Enns said such policies "are killing teacher morale."
Rep. Jadine Nollan, R-Sand Springs, said she was concerned that the bill would undermine the authority of local school boards and principals.
Nollan,Mercury News, nevertheless,burberry Bags, voted for HB 1313, which passed 11-6,"Before I met him.
Nollan's own bill, HB 1752,true religion jeans outlet, also won approval. It would allow local districts to decide whether to award high school diplomas to severely mentally disabled students who cannot pass the required end of instruction tests.
Original Print Headline: Panel advances bills for A-F reform, school discipline
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Quote tmiololnikpkr Replybullet Posted: Mar 20 2013 at 9:31am
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Quote vp7whl7bq Replybullet Posted: Mar 24 2013 at 7:30am
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Quote nathan8gr Replybullet Posted: Mar 24 2013 at 6:15pm
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Quote cd2013yikk Replybullet Posted: Mar 28 2013 at 5:43pm
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Quote camrkgzow Replybullet Posted: Apr 04 2013 at 9:54am
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Quote irbopr611 Replybullet Posted: Apr 07 2013 at 9:32pm
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Quote bnyjikia21 Replybullet Posted: Apr 09 2013 at 7:06am
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Out of caps for you to capsules, injection therapy and implants, women are now able to select what contraception options
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in connection with the protection and also efficiency these several birth control solutions.
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